Wednesday, May 20, 2009

kohlrabi tabuleh

1 cup kohlrabi diced
1/4 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup shredded beets
1 cup corn
1/2 cup beans
2 cups cabbage sliced
1/4 cup peas
2 tbsp raisins
2 tbsp seeds

I used a beet/banana dressing that I made earlier, but any would do. It's not even necessary as it tastes good on it's own.


kneecap said...

this sounds great! I will try it.

Strix said...

Awesome! I've done something similar with cauliflower. I have a draft about it, but, alas it is unfinished. I've got a ton of drafts I need to finish. So many topics, so LITTLE TIME!!!

This is very creative; thanks for posting it for us :)