Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Phytonutrients - their value can't be measured or underestimated

It's good to read George Mateljan Discuss What is the Special Nutritional Power found in Phytonutrients? He says in clonclusion
Hopefully, one day as the accepted nutrition paradigm changes from preventing outright deficiencies to one that emphasizes that foods can help prevent disease and promote longevity, the true importance of these phytonutrients will be recognized.
Phytonutrients - their value can't be measured or underestimated. When you prepare and eat whole foods, you are
providing for your cells the complete array of what nature has created (both known and unknown).  

What is certain is this: 
1. Science will continue to look at and discover benefits of eating whole foods.
2. Eating natural, organic, whole foods is the basis for great health from birth and as you grow older.
3. When your cells get what they need, they remain healthy longer and your body produces less waste, which benefits you as a whole

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