Monday, May 4, 2015

Make your voice heard in support of the new Federal Dietary Guidelines!

Earlier this year, the Federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee issued an historic report, urging a major shift toward a "culture of health:" one that links human with environmental health. Is it perfect? No, but with this sort of progress don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Please act now.

The report recommends a diet "rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, seafood, legumes, and nuts; moderate in low- and non-fat dairy products and alcohol; lower in red and processed meat; and low in sugar-sweetened foods and beverages and refined grains." - Not perfect I know... but Here's the rub: The report is a recommendation. is accepting public comments on the proposed guidelines until May 8, here's what you need to do: go to this report and read it -  - ok, seriously if you have time :)
Or you can just read the executive summary or skip to specific sections - of interest is chapter 5 or chapter 6

Finally go to the Public Comments site.
Fill in your contact information.
Check boxes for the chapter you are submitting comment - say "Part D: Science Base" and "Chapter D.5: Food Sustainability and Safety."
Write your comments in the text box labeled "Comment."
Press "Submit."
Please consider using this suggested text or edit it to fit your take on the issues.

For Part D - chapter 5 feel free to use this or modify

​​Dear Secretary Burwell and Secretary Vilsack:

I believe that everyone is entitled to food that is health promoting, sustainable, fair to everyone involved in it's production and preparation.

I congratulate the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on their historic report calling on America to establish a "culture of health," not only human health, as it is based on diet, but also environmental health, as it is affected by what our industrial food system serves up for Americans to eat.
The Committee writes,  "Linking health, dietary guidance, and the environment will promote human health and the sustainability of natural resources and ensure current and long-term food security."
I urge you to support sustainable food production by incorporating the recommendations of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee regarding Food Sustainability and Safety (Part D. Chapter D.5) in the 2015 United States Dietary Guidelines into Federal policy.
I also fully agree with the statement "Vegetables and fruit are the only characteristics of the diet that were consistently identified in every conclusion statement across the health outcomes." and "The major findings regarding sustainable diets were that a diet higher in plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in calories and animal-based foods is more health promoting and is associated with less environmental impact than is the current U.S. diet."
and I urge you to increase the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables across our nation dramatically by increasing funding for small family farms and local farm markets.

Thank you for your attention.

For Part D. Chapter 6 the following
​​Dear Secretary Burwell and Secretary Vilsack:

The report recommends less than 2,300 mg dietary sodium per day, which is lower than the current recommendation but it's not enough.
How dangerous is this high salt intake?
When salt intake is high, excess fluid accumulates in the circulatory system, exerting pressure on the walls of blood vessels, consequently raising blood pressure and overworking the heart. About one-third of American adults have elevated blood pressure, a condition that is responsible for 62% of strokes and 49% of coronary heart disease, increases the risk of dementia, and is a risk factor for kidney disease.(2-5)
Widespread avoidance of added salt has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives. A study using mathematical models has predicted that a population-wide reduction in sodium intake by about one-third would result in 60,000 fewer cases of coronary heart disease, 32,000 fewer strokes, and 54,000 heart attacks every year. (6)
Americans need to consume dramatically less sodium, and I urge you to visit the following References:
1. Americans Consume Too Much Sodium (Salt). In US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2011.
2. Murphy SL, Xu J, Kochanek KD: Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2010. Natl Vital Stat Rep 2012, 60.
3. He FJ, MacGregor GA: A comprehensive review on salt and health and current experience of worldwide salt reduction programmes. J Hum Hypertens 2009, 23:363-384.
4. National Chronic Kidney Disease Fact Sheet. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2010.
5. American Heart Association: High Blood Pressure Statistical Fact Sheet. 2013.
6. Bibbins-Domingo K, Chertow GM, Coxson PG, et al: Projected effect of dietary salt reductions on future cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 2010, 362:590-599.
7. Strazzullo P, D'Elia L, Kandala NB, et al: Salt intake, stroke, and cardiovascular disease: meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMJ 2009, 339:b4567.
8. He FJ, MacGregor GA: Salt, blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Curr Opin Cardiol 2007, 22:298-305.
9. Aburto NJ, Ziolkovska A, Hooper L, et al: Effect of lower sodium intake on health: systematic review and meta-analyses. BMJ 2013, 346:f1326.
10. Whelton PK, Appel LJ, Sacco RL, et al: Sodium, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease: further evidence supporting the American Heart Association sodium reduction recommendations. Circulation 2012, 126:2880-2889.
11. Taylor RS, Ashton KE, Moxham T, et al: Reduced dietary salt for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011:CD009217.
12. Taylor RS, Ashton KE, Moxham T, et al: Reduced dietary salt for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (cochrane review). Am J Hypertens 2011, 24:843-853.
13. Szech LA: A Calm Look at the Cochrane Review on Salt. In Medscape Nephrology; 2011.
14. He FJ, Appel LJ, Cappuccio FP, et al: Does reducing salt intake increase cardiovascular mortality? Kidney Int 2011.
15. Tuomilehto J, Jousilahti P, Rastenyte D, et al: Urinary sodium excretion and cardiovascular mortality in Finland: a prospective study. Lancet 2001, 357:848-851.
16. Perry IJ, Beevers DG: Salt intake and stroke: a possible direct effect. J Hum Hypertens 1992, 6:23-25.
17. Simon G: Experimental evidence for blood pressure-independent vascular effects of high sodium diet. Am J Hypertens 2003, 16:1074-1078.
18. Sanders PW: Vascular consequences of dietary salt intake. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2009, 297:F237-243.
19. de Wardener HE, MacGregor GA: Harmful effects of dietary salt in addition to hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 2002, 16:213-223.
20. Diets High In Sodium And Artificially Sweetened Soda Linked To Kidney Function Decline. In ScienceDaily; 2009.
21. Tsugane S, Sasazuki S: Diet and the risk of gastric cancer: review of epidemiological evidence. Gastric Cancer 2007, 10:75-83.
22. Frassetto LA, Morris RC, Jr., Sellmeyer DE, et al: Adverse effects of sodium chloride on bone in the aging human population resulting from habitual consumption of typical American diets. J Nutr 2008, 138:419S-422S.
23. Heaney RP: Role of dietary sodium in osteoporosis. J Am Coll Nutr 2006, 25:271S-276S.
24. Harmon K: Salt linked to autoimmune diseases. In Nature News; 2013.
25. Leslie M: Salty Food May Be a Culprit in Autoimmune Disease. In Science NOW; 2013.
26. Yandell K: Salt at Fault? In The Scientist; 2013.
27. Kleinewietfeld M, Manzel A, Titze J, et al: Sodium chloride drives autoimmune disease by the induction of pathogenic T17 cells. Nature 2013.

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