Friday, August 10, 2007

The Dirty Dozen: -

So you've decided to take the plunge -- to embrace lighter living, start greening your life, and do something to help the the environment. But where to begin?

Their article Ten First Steps Toward Lighter Living, is a good place to get grounded.

If you're ready to take on taming your shopping cart, we've put together a list we call the Dirty Dozen. These are twelve unhealthy or resource-intensive products you should consider reducing or eliminating from your life entirely. Once you've tackled these, you'll probably think of others -- and you'll be well on your way to a lighter, more sustainable lifestyle.

Styrofoam, Plastic food containers with Bisphenol-A (BPA), Tropical hardwoods, Aluminum in cosmetics, Incandescent bulbs, Petroleum-based fabric sheets and laundry detergent, Overpackaged goods, Paper towels and napkins, Plastic utensils, Disposable batteries, Household cleaners, Commercial insecticides

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